GOLD CUBE Gold Prospecting Banjo Pan - Blue
GOLD CUBE Gold Prospecting Banjo Pan - Blue
GOLD CUBE | Banjo Pan - Blue **NEW**
The Banjo Pan is the newest addition to the gold prospecting community.
Using the Gold Cube principles (degrees of separation) This is a pan that can be used wet, dry and even underwater!
The Banjo Pan incorporates the Patented Gold Cube concepts to give you an incredibly portable and efficient gold pan that takes the "artsy fartsy" out of panning and substantially increases your yield.
The basic gold pan design has been used by prospectors since the discovery of gold. A few innovations like adding riffles, drop bottoms, different sizes and plastics have made the gold pan easier to use and somewhat more efficient.
However, as many gold prospectors know; the process gets slower at every stage when trying to get down to the gold. Instead of slowing down at this crucial stage, the Banjo Pan speeds it up!
So get more gold in less time!
Dimensions : the pan is 25 cms wide and the sluice is 30 cms long . Overall it is 55 cms long x 25 cms wide and 10 cms deep.
It is available in blue and in green.